• Venkatesh

  • 3698520

  • Agriculture

  • Manager


Referal Authrity: [Jt. Commissioner of police, S.B, Hyd City]

Reference No: [.....]/SBEZ/V-2/[....]/2019

Sl.No Details Remarks
1 Name of the Candidate's (in Full) Verified
2 Name of the Candidate's Father Verified
3 Date of Birth, Place of Birth Verified
4 Educational Qualification - -
5 Present Address with Phone No. - -
6 Previous Address - -
7 Have you verified the place of study/stay in the P.S. Concerned Yes
8 Whether involved in any Criminal case? If so, Furnish Crime No. Section of Law & details NIl
9 Is the Identity of the candidate Established or not? Yes
10 Remarks - -

The Applicant [Name Here] Staying at H.No. Malakper, Hyderabad From [Date] to [Date] During the above stay period found nothing adverse againest [her/his] as per the records of concerned PS and CCRB

Hence Recommended

Field Officer Name: [Name Here]

Date-Time: [Date along with Time Here]

Signature of the Enquiry Officer


I, Certify that the said enquiry made by [Sri N.Ramakrishna, SI], SB East Zone Hyd is satisfactory and all points have been covered.

Inspector of Police,

SB, East Zone, HYD City