Core-Lab-in-a-BoxTM and Radvista Viewer have been built specifically for clinical trial imaging and related data management. Today, they are the only solutions on the market with this distinction!
requiring specially designed workflows, controlled image/ data acquisition, use of validated technologies and skilled resources.
The trials involve discrete and geographically separate groups working in tandem on a particular trial over a period of several months/ years.In a majority of the cases today, sponsors turn to CROs and Imaging Corelabs for the management of these trials. The challenges currently faced by sponsors can be summarized into two primary categories:
Lack of control and visibility of data while the study is in progress. Sponsors are rarely able to make course corrections for lack of timely data and thereby miss opportunities to limit their risk and avoid unnecessary spend
Expensive due to being manpower intensive, use of antiquated PACs/ RIS-based technology solutions and processes which typically result in unnecessary delays and budget over-runs. The costs and processes associated with change inhibit mid-stream intervention by the sponsor
Radiant Sage's solutions are designed on a Web 2.0 platform, cloud-based with various delivery options including SaaS (Software-as-a Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)and soon to be launched Enterprise License offering!