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of the way


Paul Carr Estate Agents has been assisting people across the West Midlands on their property journey for over 40 years.

As the largest independent estate agents in the area serving Sutton Coldfield, North Birmingham, the West Midlands, South Staffordshire and North Warwickshire, armed with an expert team, we are committed to providing an extensive choice of property, high levels of customer service and a smooth journey whether you’re choosing to buy, sell or let.

With you every step of the way

Helping you on your property journey


Residential Sales

Request a free no obligation sales valuation and experience with our professional friendly service


Residential Lettings

Request a free no obligation lettings valuation and discover how we can maximise your property investment


Land & New Homes

Specialists in the sale, acquisition and development of land and the sale of brand-new homes


Exclusive & Rural Homes

A bespoke marketing and sales proposition for property in exclusive and rural locations



Discover which mortgage deal is most suitable for you. Hundreds of lenders and thousands of schemes



Exceptional service from a hand-picked panel of leading solicitors and conveyancers, there to make your journey as stress free as possible

Exclusive & Rural Homes

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Aldridge Office

Brownhills Office

Burntwood Office

Erdington Office

Four Oaks Office

Great Barr Office

Great Wyrley Office

Hamstead Office

Kingstanding Office

Streetly Office

Sutton Coldfield Office

Walmley Office

Exclusive & Rural Homes

Residential Lettings

Land & New Homes

Head Office

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste